Orias, now 26, desperately needed an escape hatch from his financial woes: his mother had had a stroke and required medication, and electricity and grocery bills were stacking up. His friend told him he and others were pocketing up to $600 a month playing Axie Infinity, a game fueled by cryptocurrency and NFTs. Orias was earning about 4,000 pesos a month (about $80, a little less than half the national minimum wage) making takoyaki-Japanese octopus balls. Students must maintain a 3.0 GPA in CSD courses, including a grade of B or higher in all clinical practicum courses in order to progress in the sequence of clinical courses and remain in the clinical degree program.Samerson Orias was working as a line cook last year in the rural Philippines when his friend told him he could make way more money playing a new video game.
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Once all documentation has been received, the clinic director will determine if a student qualifies for full admission in the clinical track and enrollment in CSD 3850.

Any outstanding course and observation requirements from above.Students receiving provisional admission will be given instructions to complete: Completion of an admission packet, available upon request from the Harding University Speech Clinic.Possess the skills necessary to develop and maintain the essential skills as defined by the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders.Completion of 15 hours of clinical observation in SLP and/or audiology.Completion of (or current enrollment in) CSD 1240, CSD 2900, CSD 3250, CSD 3260, and CSD 3810.Minimum 3.0 GPA in the major, with a grade of C or higher in all CSD courses.Junior or senior in good standing at Harding University.Provisional admission to the CSD Clinical Track requires the following: Students desiring to participate in spring practicum assignments should apply by October 15 of the previous semester. Students desiring to participate in fall practicum assignments should apply by March 15 of the previous semester. Or SOC 2030 - General Sociology Credit Hours: 3Īpplications for the clinical track should be submitted to the clinic director the semester prior to desired enrollment in CSD 3850.

PSY 2010 - General Psychology Credit Hours: 3.PHS 1060 - Physical Science Credit Hours: 3.MATH 1200 - Elementary Statistics Credit Hours: 3.CSD 4210 - Offsite Fundamentals of Clinic and Practicum Credit Hours: 4.CSD 4050 - Introduction to Neurogenic Cognitive-Communicative Disorders Credit Hours: 3.CSD 4010 - Speech and Hearing Science Credit Hours: 3.CSD 4000 - Anatomy and Physiology of Speech and Language Credit Hours: 3.CSD 3860 - Continued Fundamentals of Clinic and Practicum Credit Hours: 1.CSD 3850 - Initial Fundamentals of Clinic and Practicum Credit Hours: 1.CSD 3810 - Clinical Methods and Procedures: Treatment Credit Hours: 3.CSD 3800 - Clinical Methods and Procedures: Diagnostics Credit Hours: 3.CSD 3260 - Language Disorders Credit Hours: 3.